Why Many People Choose To Live In A Condo Rather Than In A House

Condos are becoming an increasingly popular and affordable option, both for cosmopolitan and suburban lifestyles. While the house-on-a-lot convention has always been considered the ultimate goal (and luxury) for decades, more people are questioning the veracity of this option with current lifestyles.

For instance, for those who are comfortable with the convenience of apartments (like students, young professionals, and new families without children), investing in life-long mortgages to finance independent homes may seem like a Herculean task.

In contrast, apartments may be considered too “student-like” by seniors looking to downsize from an independent home to save up for retirement. In this regard, the condo offers a happy in-between, with the luxury of owning your own (relatively) independent walls, along with the convenience of community living.

Here are 5 additional reasons why many people choose to live in a condo, rather than in a house.

Accessibility to basic amenities

Regardless of whether a condo is situated right in the heart of a city or in a prime suburb, the location is often strategically selected by the builder to be close to basic amenities. Of course, the scale of these amenities may vary.

For instance, your chosen condo may be close to a basic strip mall housing a Walmart and a hairdresser, or be located just minutes away from a large city mall. Regardless, convenience is the key and is already factored into the location.

Availability of additional luxuries

The new set of Myrtle Beach condos for sale are planned in such a way to include luxuries covered by most people, including in-house (community) swimming pools, tennis courts, well-stocked grocery stores, café, diners, etc. In fact, they are almost self-contained and hence the preference of many retirees.

Low-maintenance affair

Imagine having the upcoming weekend all to yourself, without the inclusion of drudgeries like yard work, home repairs, etc. Most condo-communities come with an in-house repair crew to take care of your needs. And if you are a plant lover who misses having a yard, there may be a special balcony in the condo to soothe your green thumb.

Security first, always

No builder wants the hassle of dealing with unknown intruders. Hence, condo-communities are designed to place security requirements at the top, including updated alarm systems, in-house video cameras, trained security personnel, etc. This way, you know that the owner of a condo – whether it is a young professional who is away at work for hours or an elderly retiree living on his/her own – is protected at all times.

Pocket friendly pricing

This is often the clincher, as it offers an investment-friendly alternative to apartment living and the (rather expensive) house-on-a-lot options. With this, you do not have to compromise on the quality of your house and basic amenities, just so you are in a decent location with a reasonable amount of space.

In this 21st century, condo-living is definitely here to stay and may soon be the preferred option across all age gaps. Myrtle Beach condos for sale also have the added luxury of being close to the sprawling golf links lining the beach, so you are close to water, fitness clubs, and popular restaurants – the ultimate luxury combination – for an affordable price. Perfect!

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