5 Problems Everyone Has With ESSAY WRITING SERVICES – How to Solved Them

Writing an essay is not a simple task. One requires exceptional writing skills to generate a quality paper. All essay requires a captivating introduction, a relevant body, and a logical and clear conclusion. To do this, one requires to undertake research, plan properly, and then write the essay. Enough time and efforts are required to take all the considerations. Students find this overwhelming. This is why they are considering essay writing services. They look for help in writing an essay that meets the standards of their instructor. This is the only way to score higher points essential for realizing academic dreams.

Many websites have emerged due to the demand of essay writing services. While the companies are able to help students with essay writing and at the same time make some profits, they are experiencing five common problems that have potential in destroying their reputation.

  1. Quality content

Students ask help with essay writing services companies because mostly they are unable to produce quality content. They want help in conducting in-depth research that will help identify relevant content. They fear that they might get essays with irrelevant content. Some fear essay writing services because of the probability of getting low-quality essays which are associated with poor performance. This fear makes them jump from website to website looking for a reliable one. This wastes a lot of productive time and in some instances, students are forced to write their own essays and get poor grades. Essay writing services also lose potential customers. Any sign that a company may be offering low-quality essays either from comments or reviews drives customers away.

How can this problem be fixed?

To ensure that quality content is delivered, essay writers should be experts. Essay writing services should ensure that they hire students with master’s degrees and PhDs. This will ensure that the writers have required knowledge in their fields. Low-quality content is often associated with a lack of required knowledge. If writers who are specialists in different fields are hired, then essays from any filed will be handled appropriately. To ensure that the writers are really well-qualified, they should undergo a test and comprehensive vetting process. With expert writers, students will be guaranteed with high-quality content. This will eliminate their fear in essay writing companies will gain the benefits. A good example a writing service that has managed to retain clients by delivering high quality content is essay mojo essay writing Service Company.

  1. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a common problem with everyone with writes my essay. Academic institutions have clear guidelines on the code of conduct. One of the expectations is that students practice academic honesty. If any form of plagiarism is detected, students face various consequences. A student can get poor grades, fail their course, be suspended, or expelled from their school. This is why plagiarism is a problem for everyone. Students have a fear of getting plagiarized paper which can expose them to such risks. On the other hand, essay writing services lose customers when any form of plagiarism is detected with the essays.

How to solve the problem

The only way to solve the problem is by writing essays that are original. Writers should treat each essay as complicated and take them through the process of researching, planning, and writing. They should write an essay from scratch. No form of copying should be encouraged within the service.  Writers should strictly be sensitized against plagiarism and be trained on how to avoid it. Practices such as proper citation, and using plagiarism checker software can also help reduce plagiarism.

  1. Delivery time

Students are normally given enough time to work and deliver their assignments. This can vary from hours to days. Every student is expected to submit their essays before the deadline. In most cases, late submission leads to a loss of points. Essay writing services, therefore, must ensure that essays are delivered before the deadline. Students fear that they might get their essays late. This creates confusion on whether to trust the service or not. Companies are also afraid that their writers may deliver final essays late which might affect their reputation.

How to solve it

ESSAY WRITING SERVICES has no option but to lay clear rules on essay delivery. All writers must be able to deliver the essays within the given timeframe. Otherwise, they should not be retained. Expert writers are the best in on-time delivery because they are well-experienced in writing.

  1. Availability

If two parties are doing business together, they must be able to communicate when necessary. This is a common problem with essay writing services. Students want to be in a position to communicate with writers anytime. If the service is unavailable at some point it may cause some inconveniences. Companies should, therefore, ensure a 24/7 availability. This way customers are satisfied.

How to solve it

Solving the problem of availability is a bit easy. It only requires that essay writing services hires enough customer service officers who can keep the service available 24/7. The employees must be well-experienced and ready to serve customers. This way in emergencies cases such as the need for revision, changes, or any other urgent need for help with essay writing, customers are assisted in a timely manner.

  1. Pricing

ESSAY WRITING SERVICES seeks to help students write quality essays and at the same time make some profits. However, most of their customers are on a tight budget. Therefore, they cannot set just any price. The high price will drive students away. In such a case, there would be no need for the service. Students, on the other hand, would not be able to access the help they require in writing quality essays. Pricing is, therefore, a problem for everyone.

How to solve it

Essay writing services should set fair prices that will ensure that the service is affordable to all students regardless of their budget. However, the prices should not compromise on quality. Solving these problems will ensure that students trust essay writing services with their essays. Students will get high-quality content associated with better performance.


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