Grab Attention for Your Store and Keep It

Successful marketing for any business stats by getting the consumer’s attention. Online that may mean a strategy that includes social media use, advertising, and a website that offers an amazing user experience. Offline, you should be using your location’s assets and eye-catching décor like an inflatable dancing man, colorful flags, and great window displays. To take it to the next level, you can integrate the two by ensuring your business location is on every page of your website and you have a QR code posted outside your location so that people can find your website.

Grab Attention Online

Your website needs to be optimized for search engines and user experience. There’s no point in investing a lot of money in design or coolness if the website isn’t going to reach anyone. Instead, you need to start by investing your resources in a keyword search, setting up a blog post schedule with topics to cover, and learning about content marketing to create a place people will want to visit again and again. If you don’t have a website, you want to make sure that your social media delivers a powerful, action-oriented message to those that visit your feeds.

Grab Attention Offline

Hopefully, your location has foot traffic that you can harness. By keeping your storefront clean and friendly, you can create an inviting atmosphere that people will enjoy. An inflatable man can help you harness the power of motion and attract people to your storefront. A QR code on your window will allow people to get to your website even when your store is closed. It’s especially useful if you create window displays people want to come back to see again and again.

Keep that Attention

A great website and an inflatable dancing man will be able to get people into your shop, but you have to keep them coming back. One way to do that is to be sure you’re providing a shopping experience. Studies show that items don’t make people happy, experiences do. If you can create a place where people are treated well and where they experience feelings of hope, joy, and laughter, you can harness these emotions to build a fan base of shoppers who come by, and buy, just for the fun. Once they’ve made a purchase, you should get their contact information and follow up with them. The more personal you can make this contact, the more likely you are to build a lasting relationship.